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Personal Peace, Security, & Safety

I used to run at night. My parents let me run past sundown in our suburban neighborhood at

fourteen years old. Running for me was freedom, liberation even. My mind was untouched by the evils of the world. I grasped no concept of assault or attack. The extent of my knowledge was stranger danger and scary white vans that hand out candy. I look back upon that time and envy my younger self, envy my naivety. I don’t run past sundown anymore because, every so often, I receive notifications in my inbox that look like this one.

ALERT CAROLINA: Student attacked at 8:55 p.m. outside of their dorm. The suspect tried to

pull the student into the wooded area behind the residence hall and then tried to push the

student down. The student was my age. Eighteen years old. Just four years ago, I ran, unguarded, in the cover of darkness. Now, I don’t like to go out at night. My head is on a swivel. I arm myself with a hot pink pepper spray. The color mocks my femininity. “You need me to be safe. You need me to protect yourself.” Even my weapon carries a taste of the patriarchy.

Do you feel liberated outside? Only 72% of women say they feel liberated when they are

outdoors. I wish to be liberated outside, I used to be liberated outside.

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